Candida Cleanse - What to Eat and What to Skip

Candida is the most prevalent fungus found in humans. It is commonly seen in the mouth, skin, digestive tract, toenails, rectum, and vagina. While additional study is needed, the candida diet excludes foods and liquids that can potentially promote candida. "Independent" refers to a person who does not work for the government.

Candida usually is safe; however, excessive development of this fungus can cause illness. The candida diet is a stringent diet designed to treat candida infections.

Foods to avoid -
1. Any form of sugar including - fructose, corn syrup, white sugar, brown sugar, processed sugar, sugar derived from cane/plants, sweeteners derived from maple syrups, agave, honey, etc. Read the labels of the foods you consume to know if there are any hidden forms of sugar in that food. Packaged and processed food, soups, creamers, and seasoning are all sources of processed sugar. 

2. Processed and simple carbohydrates, which include white rice, flour, chips, pasta, crackers, and noodles. 

3. Candida is a yeast, and consuming yeast-containing foods adds additional yeast to an already yeast-heavy environment.

  •  Alcohol that has been fermented with yeast is a high-yeast food. Wine and Beer contain the most yeast and people who are yeast sensitive tend to react more to them than they do to distilled spirits like vodka, gin & tequila which contain less. *Fermented products, including all types of vinegar, soy sauce, tamari, salad dressing, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, and kinds of vinegar. 

  • Many bread varieties include yeast, which is what causes the bread to rise and become fluffy and light. Tortillas contain no yeast and can be used in place of bread.

4. Moldy foods can contribute to the formation of Candida by increasing the number of fungal spores in the intestine. Stay away from - pickled meats, smoked/dried hotdogs, cured pork, smoked salmon, cheese, peanuts, pistachios, dried fruits, and bottled fruits (these contain both sugar and mold) 

5. Mushrooms, are fungus and hence should be avoided at all costs during this cleanse!

Foods to consume

  1. Fresh Veggies - Spinach, kale, cabbage, collards, root veggies - carrots, and potatoes can be eaten in moderation. Frozen and canned veggies are permissible but should be consumed in moderation. 

  1. Proteins - Animal protein sources - chicken, fish, shellfish, and eggs.

Non-animal protein sources - beans, legumes (such as red or brown lentils), nuts, and seeds (except peanuts and pistachios)

  1. Fresh fruits - Aim for 1-2 servings of fresh fruit every day to get enough fiber, vitamins, and minerals. But, if you have symptoms such as gas, bloating, or brain fog after eating fruit, you may be sensitive to it and should avoid it altogether.

  1. Complex Carbs - Oats, millets, barley, buckwheat, quinoa, and brown or wild rice can be consumed to reduce bloating and gas.

  2. Good Fats - When available, unrefined and cold-pressed oils are the finest. Healthy fats include (but are not limited to) the following: fish oil, avocado oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, and chia seeds

Make an appointment now if you feel you have Candida overgrowth and want to learn more about our specifically formulated Yeast and Candida Detox Program.


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